14 de setembro de 2011

Is that what blogging is?

Well, look at me changing the layout design and posting here once again, it happens that the wordpress is indeed what I call the best blog platform for paid users but Blogger truly owns my heart and I can't  keep my fingers away from here for too long.

I've been slacking blogger since forever and I don't know why that happens, I guess I just keep falling out of subjects to talk about even though my mind keeps running around things and news and et cetera. Very well, by the last couple of weeks I've been falling in love with Instagram (I mean, who wouldn't?), which is quite sad as my iPod touch is the second generation one (no camera) and the iPhone is too expensive for me to keep a contract with any of the mobile carriers around here, as a lot of people actually do, I'm cheating to use it.

I take a photo with my mobile phone then send the photo to dropbox to finally open it on my iPod and use the instagram app to take it to the next level, I must admit that once in a while I take photos with the iPad just for the sake of not having to do the whole process, the quality is much lower but it's equal to the iPod touch's last generation, so I guess we are okay with that.

Not much has happened at my so called boredom not so exciting life, still waiting to apply for International Relations in the university (at least that's what I think I'm going to do) so, I will probably be back any time soon to ramble about something or someone that's pissing me off. Between this boring text sentences you've seen some of my photos on instagram, details of my daily routine.

Oh, Netflix has finally started working over here and I'm so excited about it. I mean, we have all the movie channels on cable but it's great to choose one you want to see at any time and it's just there. I'm thinking about watching American Psycho, have you guys watched it? I heard it was great. Netflix Brazil has a lot of improvements to do, not gonna lie, but so far so good. I've been watching a hell lot of movies and I still need to watch the last episodes of GoT and Melissa & Joey, LoL. It's great tho 'cause all the series I currently worship watch are just getting back by next week leaving me with 7 days to catch up and be ready for fall season, WOOHOO!!

I was reading The Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy but I saw the movie and now I don't really have the will to finish it up, it's a great book and I really enjoyed the adaptation to the screens, I guess it was because I haven't really got the time to LOVE the book so I just accepted it, we all know how novels adaptations suck, right? Anyway, not sure of what book I should read next so if you have any suggestions just leave it in the comments below ;). 



julho agridoce

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layout | desenvolvimento por:
Ed Schramm